On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 12:14:03PM +0200, Marc Espie wrote:
> This has been discussed internally, but chromium
> is partly broken these days.
> Most specifically, windows refresh does strange things under
> some circumstances.
> The circumstances are well-known (thanks to matthieu@):
> "modern" systems use some composition manager for eye-candy
> on their display. So if you're using a shiny window manager,
> you won't see an issue.
> Old-style window managers, such as fvwm, fvwm2 (from ports)
> and cwm don't.  Hence the breakage.
> Work-around: start a composition manager, such as xcompmgr
> from base xenocara.  Cry since you lost your background image
> or moire pattern (fvwm-root, from ports, does know about
> composition managers).
> We're currently in the process of reporting the problem upstream.
> Outside of OpenBSD, most people don't use primitive window managers,
> so they don't see the issue.
> It probably started around when chromium switched to Aura for its
> gfx system...

Does this issue include highlighted links becoming invisible?
I ask as using xcompmgr does not solve this problem for me in Chromium.

My set up:
port:fred ~> dmesg|head -2; chrome --version; awesome --version
OpenBSD 5.6-current (GENERIC.MP) #462: Tue Oct 21 16:17:54 MDT 2014
Chromium 38.0.2125.101 
awesome v3.5.5 (Kansas City Shuffle)
 ?? Build: Oct 19 2014 10:55:35 for amd64 by gcc version 4.2.1 
 ?? Compiled against Lua 5.2.3 (running with Lua 5.2)
 ?? D-Bus support: ?



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