
This is an older (still gtk+2 based) version of chromium: it doesn't
have this bug.
The bug started manifesting itself, when they switched to the new
"Aura" toolkit (since version 37 iirc).

It happened _after_ the switch to Aura which was in 36.0.1985.125 which
is the version that will be in 5.6 release packages, that one was ok.

Looking at chat logs, I first mentioned it in September, and I recall
that the problem definitely existed with the version immediately before
the "use GPU accelerated cross process image transport on openbsd
as well" commit - as I was hoping that might fix it :-).

I'm not totally sure because of the lock and lack of snapshots, but
I think 36.0.1985.143 is probably okay.

I can approve this, as I'm using Chromium 36.0.1985.143 (287914) on:
  OpenBSD 5.6-current (GENERIC.MP) #2: Fri Sep  5 15:59:11 EEST 2014
with Fluxbox for almost two months now, and it's working rock solid
without any issues whatsoever.


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