On 2014-11-07, li...@ggp2.com <li...@ggp2.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 06, 2014 at 07:12:20PM -0200, "Dante F. B. Col??" wrote:
>> I'm trying to setup some static routes on a openbsd 4.9 box for some 
>> public addresses
> This usually gets mentioned, so I'll go ahead and bring this to your
> attention.

Yes, it usually does, and often by people who just pick up on that
one point..

> OpenBSD 4.9 is long unsupported.  There have been many releases since
> then, so I'd highly suggest a fresh install of 5.6 if you are able.

It is absolutely correct that 4.9 is long unsupported, but running
5.6 or -current is going to make no difference to the problem
that Dante described. phessler has it right; I have one thing to add
though, this might be a situation where a bridge(4) can help.

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