On 14-11-24 12:28 PM, David Higgs wrote:
On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 1:12 PM, Adam Thompson <athom...@athompso.net> wrote:
I just upgraded one of a matched pair of 5.5 systems to 5.6, and after the
upgrade finished, it occured to me to wonder "what about the
binpatch55-amd64-* packages from m:tier"?

They're all still installed (unsurprisingly), and I'm uncertain what to do
about it now.  I'm thinking that if I uninstall the packages normally,
they'll revert certain system files to 5.5-RELEASE, which would be

So I now have two cases:
1) for a post-5.6-upgraded system, should I just manually remove
/var/db/pkg/binpatch55*  and /var/db/binpatch/*, or is there a better way to
handle this?
2) for the not-yet-upgraded system, should I remove the patches normally,
reverting to 5.5-RELEASE, or ... ?
Did you run openup after your upgrade?  I think it cleaned up after
itself.  If you're installing them manually, you can consult the
openup source to see exactly how it does this.
No, I hadn't run openup yet - I was afraid to, as the openup page doesn't mention this case and I hadn't read the source yet.

For the record, this appears to be the situation:
- You can follow the normal upgrade procedure on a system that has m:tier binpatches on it. - If you were using their openup tool, simply run it again after you've completed all the other upgrade steps and it'll clean up the old binpkgs. - If you weren't using their openup tool, manually remove all the /var/db/pkg/binpatch-* entries and /var/db/binpatch/* to reset to a non-binpatched state. Leaving them in place is harmless until you run "pkg_add -u" which might suddenly pick up an update for an older OpenBSD release.

Sounds like a good reason to use openup :-).

-Adam Thompson
 Cell: +1 204 291-7950
 Fax: +1 204 489-6515

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