for the impatient, here are my questions:

- Although I use the same (undocumented, trick of
  "low=1:high=2" for indicators everywhere, this can result in
  "On is below On", and "Off is below On"
- Although I use "low=1:high=2", I get "On" for %3 (low limit) as well
  as for %4 (high limit)
- Reading sensorsd.conf(5):
  "If the limits are crossed or if the status provided by the driver
  changes, sensorsd(8)'s alert functionality is triggered and a command,
  if specified, is executed"
  If limits are crossed, yes; if status changes, no, unless you use the
  "low=1:high=2" trick.
- Reading sensorsd.conf(5):
  "Values for all other types of sensors can be specified in the same
  units as they appear under the sysctl(8) hw.sensors tree."
  No: "low=Off:high=On" results in (sensorsd -c 1 -d):
  "sensorsd: incorrect value: Off: file or directory not found"

(for the more patient these will come up later...) (Joe Gidi), 2014.11.28 (Fri) 17:40 (CET):
> On Fri, November 28, 2014 2:45 am, Marcus MERIGHI wrote:
> > (Joe Gidi), 2014.11.27 (Thu) 16:41 (CET):
> >> I just spent some more time poking at this and I'm still unable to get
> >
> > So did I...
> >
> >> sensorsd to recognize upd state changes. This is a bit of a frustrating
> >> regression from my point of view, since I can no longer use apcupsd
> >> unless
> >> I disable uhidev in the kernel.
> >>
> >> Does anyone have a working example configuration for sensorsd/upd?
> >
> > What I have now:
> >
> > $ getcap -a -f /etc/sensorsd.conf
> > hw.sensors.upd0.indicator0:low=1:high=2:command=/etc/sensorsd/ \
> > %l %n %s %x %t %2 %3 %4
> > hw.sensors.upd0.indicator1:low=1:high=2:command=/etc/sensorsd/ \
> > %l %n %s %x %t %2 %3 %4
> > hw.sensors.upd0.indicator2:low=1:high=2:command=/etc/sensorsd/ \
> > %l %n %s %x %t %2 %3 %4
> > hw.sensors.upd0.indicator3:low=1:high=2:command=/etc/sensorsd/ \
> > %l %n %s %x %t %2 %3 %4
> > hw.sensors.upd0.indicator4:low=1:high=2:command=/etc/sensorsd/ \
> > %l %n %s %x %t %2 %3 %4
> > hw.sensors.upd0.percent0:low=10:high=100:command=\
> > /etc/sensorsd/ %l %n %s %x %t %2 %3 %4
> > hw.sensors.upd0.percent1:low=95:high=100:command=/etc/sensorsd/ \
> > %l %n %s %x %t %2 %3 %4
> >
> > The ``command=/etc/sensorsd/'' lines are just informational.
> >
> > The workhorse is "command=/etc/sensorsd/":
> > ----
> > #!/bin/sh -e
> > if [[ X"${1}" == X"below" ]]; then
> > logger -t "UPD-capacityremaining" "SHUTDOWN (${@})"
> > shutdown -hp +1
> > else
> > logger -t "UPD-capacityremaining" "NON-SHUTDOWN (${@})"
> > fi
> > ----
> >
> > I did some testing (plug/unplug, wait for hw.sensors.upd0.percent0 to go
> > below low=) and left it as "working".
> Thanks for this! The percent0 example will be useful. Were you able to get
> any useful results with the other indicator sensors? The 'low=1:high=2'
> attributes don't seem to do anything for me.

What I never mentioned: for now I'm running sensorsd(8) with '-c 1'. 

What happens in syslog when running unplugged with the above config,
the UPD:-lines are from the script 
'command=/etc/sensorsd/ %l %n %s %x %t %2 %3 %4'
which just does 
'echo "${@}" | logger -t UPD'

I've trimmed and shuffled the lines a bit to have a better reading
experience. Commented lines after syslog lines are my comments and the
config (without parameters to command=).

sensorsd[14579]: startup, system has 9 sensors
# just restarted sensorsd

sensorsd[658]: upd0.indicator0: Off, OK
sensorsd[658]: upd0.indicator0: exceeds limits: Off is below On
UPD: below 0 OK upd0 indicator Off On On 
# Charging is Off, command= is run.
# hw.sensors.upd0.indicator0:low=1:high=2:command=/etc/sensorsd/

sensorsd[658]: upd0.indicator1: On, OK
sensorsd[658]: upd0.indicator1: exceeds limits: On is below On
UPD: below 1 OK upd0 indicator On On On 
# Discharging is On, command= is run
# hw.sensors.upd0.indicator1:low=1:high=2:command=/etc/sensorsd/

sensorsd[658]: upd0.indicator2: Off, OK
sensorsd[658]: upd0.indicator2: exceeds limits: Off is below On
UPD: below 2 OK upd0 indicator Off On On 
# ACPresent is Off, command= is run
# hw.sensors.upd0.indicator2:low=1:high=2:command=/etc/sensorsd/

sensorsd[658]: upd0.indicator3: On, OK
sensorsd[658]: upd0.indicator3: exceeds limits: On is below On
UPD: below 3 OK upd0 indicator On On On 
# BatteryPresent is On, command= is run
# hw.sensors.upd0.indicator3:low=1:high=2:command=/etc/sensorsd/

sensorsd[658]: upd0.indicator4: Off, OK
sensorsd[658]: upd0.indicator4: exceeds limits: Off is below On
UPD: below 4 OK upd0 indicator Off On On 
# ShutdownImminent is Off, command= is run
# hw.sensors.upd0.indicator4:low=1:high=2:command=/etc/sensorsd/
# todo: test low=2:high=1:; 
# todo: check whether it flips when upd0.percent0 goes below "low=".

sensorsd[658]: upd0.percent0: 71.00%, OK
sensorsd[658]: upd0.percent0: within limits: 71.00%
# RemainingCapacity is 71%, command= is run but does no syslog output
# hw.sensors.upd0.percent0:low=10:high=100:command=/etc/sensorsd/\
# the value I rely on.

sensorsd[658]: upd0.percent1: 100.00%, OK
sensorsd[658]: upd0.percent1: within limits: 100.00%
UPD: within 1 OK upd0 percent 100.00% 95.00% 100.00% 
# FullChargeCapacity is 100%, command= is run
# hw.sensors.upd0.percent1:low=95:high=100:command=/etc/sensorsd/

- Although I use the same (undocumented, trick of
  "low=1:high=2" for indicators everywhere, this can result in 
  "On is below On", and "Off is below On"
- Although I use "low=1:high=2", I get "On" for %3 (low limit) as well
  as for %4 (high limit)
- Reading sensorsd.conf(5): 
  "If the limits are crossed or if the status provided by the driver
  changes, sensorsd(8)'s alert functionality is triggered and a command,
  if specified, is executed" 
  If limits are crossed, yes; if status changes, no, unless you use the
  "low=1:high=2" trick. 
- Reading sensorsd.conf(5): 
  "Values for all other types of sensors can be specified in the same
  units as they appear under the sysctl(8) hw.sensors tree."
  No: "low=Off:high=On" results in (sensorsd -c 1 -d):
  "sensorsd: incorrect value: Off: file or directory not found"

BTW, does anyone get the full list of sensors according to upd(4)?


Bye, Marcus

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