
I've an ALIX board running 5.6-stable acting as a router/firewall on a
small network.
It does its job perfectly and it's easy to manage. So thanks to all devs
for that.

Some time ago I played a bit with traffic shaping on this box, but
did not have the time to test it properly and left that disabled on
Now I've enbaled it again and, although everything seems to work just
fine, I don't understant what is happening regarding queues

The box has an vr(4) interface connected to a ADSL modem that provides
roughly 14Mbps/910Kbps (down/up) thought pppoe.
I've set up some queues on pppoe0 interface (I use $gw_if in rules).
There are also basically 3 subnets behind this box. One for wired net,
one for wifi net and one I called torrent net which, as you may expect,
has a torrent box handling P2P downloads.

This is my queue definition:

queue q_root on $gw_if bandwidth 850K
  queue q_dns parent q_root bandwidth 50K, min 25K
  queue q_pri parent q_root bandwidth 200K, min 100K
  queue q_dow parent q_root bandwidth 80K, max 210K
  queue q_def parent q_root bandwidth 520K default

And the match rules that apply:

match out on $gw_if inet proto { udp, tcp } from any to <special_servers> port 
19302:19309 set queue(q_pri, q_pri) set prio (7,7)
match out on $gw_if inet proto { tcp, udp } from $gw_if to { x.x.x.x, y.y.y.y } 
port domain set queue q_dns set prio (5,5)
match out on $gw_if inet proto tcp from any to any port { 80, 443 } set 
queue(q_def, q_pri) set prio (3,6)

match out on $gw_if from $torrent_net nat-to ($gw_if) set queue(q_dow, q_dow) 
set prio (0,0)

Basically I want google hangouts traffic to be priorized as much as
possible, then  DNS resolutions. Torrent traffic comming from a specific
subnet should work, but at low prio and should never exeed 210Kbps on
the up link. In fact all traffic from this subnet is low prio (that's
why I put the queue "tag" on the nat rule).
Http and https traffic goes to default queue, with ACKs to priority.

Packets are correctly assigned to their respective queues. I can see
counters go up on systat and pfctl -vvsq. All works as expected till here.

The things I don't understand are:

The sum of all sub-queues when I try to saturate the uplink is greater
than the bandwidth defined for "q_root". I see values near 900Kbps or
sometimes near 910Kbps (which is physical limit, not my manually
defined limit).

When I saturate the link with traffic going out on "q_pri", "q_dow" and
"q_def" the only rule that is always applied is the "max 210K" for
"q_def". The other queues seem to share the bandwith in a "best-effort"

Maybe I'm messing things up ... I don't know.

I can live without traffic shaping here. I can make the network quiet if
I need all the uplink to make a video-call, but I really want to
understand how this works.
After reading pf.conf(5) and Chapter 7 on "The Book of PF" (3rd edition)
I thought I got it, but clearly I did not.

So, any good soul could waste some time trying to explain all this ?


Paco Esteban.
GnuPG key: 0x44CA735E

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