On Wed, 10 Dec 2014, Paco Esteban wrote:

> > Set a max on your root queue.
> Ok, I'll try. But, again, it is confusing how some examples on both
> pf.conf(5) and "The Book of PF" are written.

Ok, that was it. I needed to set the max on root queue. Now the numbers
match the queue definitions. I've tried with and without prio and
results are nearly the same as henning@ said on thet other thread.

I'll make some tests with different values to play with it.

So, the way I see it, the max on root queue is mandatory. At least with
small links like upload channel on an ADSL connection.
If you don't set it, it hits the physical limit and no shaping happens at
all. (that is what I was trying to avoid setting the bandwith on root
queue in the first place ... )


Paco Esteban.
GnuPG key: 0x44CA735E

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