On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 10:05:46PM -0700, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> > I applied the newest unbound patch to several amd64 machines without
> > trouble, and have had issues on several of my i386 boxes.
> You were running -stable:
>     OpenBSD 5.6-stable (GENERIC.MP) #0: Thu Dec 11 19:34:10 UTC 2014
> > The initial
> > error was probably the same as below, but led me to believe I may have
> > had some kind of kernel or system "frankenbox" behavior.  I used cvs to
> > pull all the latest sources ("cvs -q up -rOPENBSD_5_6 -Pd" is what I
> Uhm, then you got brand new post-5.6 code, which is already highly
> incompatible.
> OpenBSD is a very fast-moving project.
> You cannot do that.  We have changed some system calls already.

Ah, I should have read more deeply into www.openbsd.org/stable.html .  I
was indeed confused how errata, -stable, and -current operated.  Sorry
for wasting everyone's time.

Thanks for helping me get this sorted.

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