On Fri, 2 Jan 2015 18:36:38 +0000
skin...@britvault.co.uk (Craig Skinner) wrote:

>On 2015-01-02 Fri 13:06 PM |, Christopher Barry wrote:
>> #!/bin/bash
>OpenBSD has much better ksh(1)
>A simple rdist(1) cronjob might do it.
>e.g: http://www.benedikt-stockebrand.de/rdist-intro_en.html

Hi Craig,

I can't speak to ksh being 'better', but it may well be. I have 20
years experience with bash, so I default to it. If I was going to craft
something today to solve this problem, I think I would probably use
rsync over shh though, and not scp. My example was simply to show that
it can be a not-very-complicated hammer and still work reasonably well.


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