Thank you for the tricks! :) (Google already indexed it, so less people
will ask it in the future, lol)

Is this an old bug or just a "feature"?

I know it would be great if the world would only have 1 language: English,
but that will be about ~1000 years away.

On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 5:10 PM, Ted Unangst <> wrote:

> Thisis theone wrote:
> > $ touch "árvíztűrő tükörfúrógép"
> > $ ls -lah
> > -rw-------   1 user  user     0B Feb  8 18:20 ??rv??zt??r??
> t??k??rf??r??g??p
> > $
> >
> > I am using uxterm on OpenBSD 5.6. How can my uxterm show these accents in
> > this way? Why doesn't it displays it as it is?
> ls doesn't know about utf-8. it only prints basic ascii characters, and
> replaces all other bytes with ?.
> The problem is not in xterm (or the filesystem). If you run echo * you
> should
> see the name echoed back correctly.

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