On Tue, Mar 03, 2015 at 04:55:01PM +0100, Thisis theone wrote:
> $ touch "árvíztűrő tükörfúrógép"
> $ ls -lah
> -rw-------   1 user  user     0B Feb  8 18:20 ??rv??zt??r?? t??k??rf??r??g??p
> $
> I am using uxterm on OpenBSD 5.6. How can my uxterm show these accents in
> this way? Why doesn't it displays it as it is?
> Many thanks!

This is because ls(1) filters output with isprint(3) and is not aware
of locales (i.e. it does not call setlocale(3)). Run pkg_add colorls
and alias ls=colorls if you need multi-byte ls output.

Please do not start a discussion about adding this feature to base ls(1)
unless you're willing to invest a non-trivial amount of time and energy
working on improved locale support for the entire OS.
It's already been discussed before.

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