On Tue, Mar 03, 2015 at 06:21:52PM -0500, Bob Eby wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to connect to a wireless network using OpenBSD 5.6.  I see a
> couple FAQ questions talking about a "wpa-psk" command to convert plaintext
> to encrypted string, but still getting secure wireless working is about as
> clear as mud.
> Thanks,
> Bob

wpa-psk has long been replaced with the ifconfig(8) wpakey option.

     wpakey passphrase | hexkey
             Set the WPA key and enable WPA.  The key can be given using
             either a passphrase or a full length hex key, starting with 0x.
             If a passphrase is used the nwid option must be set prior to
             specifying the wpakey option, since ifconfig will hash the nwid
             along with the passphrase to create the key.

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