On Mar 11, 2015 5:58 PM, "Jason Adams" <adams...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 03/10/2015 08:15 PM, W. Steven Schneider wrote:
> >
> >
> > It appears that the privilege separated Xorg is demanding a high
percentage of CPU. I had Xorg
> > niced to -10 buy bringing it's back to
> >
> Also,
> According to ftp://www.x.org/pub/X11R6.8.2/doc/RELNOTES4.html
> there should/might be a optional setting in xorg.conf to disable ddc
(noddc) to prevent xorg from
> trying to pull video resolutions from the monitor.
Using Option "NoDDC" just gets me a "Option NoDDC is not used" message by
the radeon driver and CPU usage still goes way up.

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