Hello all,

I noticed on http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq5.html#BldGetSrc that
there is information about preloading the tree, but does not mention
that getting to -current requires -rHEAD at least the first time using
'cvs update' after pre-loading the tree with the source files from the
last release.

I discovered (the semi-hard way) that to get to -current, I needed
-rHEAD to be specified in the command line. This is after
pre-loading the tree, because the (src/sys/xenocara).tar.gz files all
have a check out of OPENBSD_5_7 (or whatever -stable release), frozen
to that point at the time of releasing. Running "cvs up" simply gets me
to the latest -stable.

My .cvsrc (between the hyphen lines):

# $OpenBSD: dot.cvsrc,v 1.1 2013/04/01 16:55:26 espie Exp $
cvs -q -danon...@anoncvs.au.openbsd.org:/cvs
diff -up
update -Pd
checkout -P

It seems the (src/sys/xenocara).tar.gz files are not
in the "snapshots" directory of any of the FTP mirrors I've seen.

Should this be mentioned in the documentation or is it just me?

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