
I'd appreciate someone tell me if I'm doing something wrong.  I want to
test the latest ACPI changes in two Thinkpad I own (T410 and x201).
I assume:

  1. To test current I can just use the latest snapshot.

  2. FuguIta LiveCD is regularly updated to the latest snapshot.

In case I'm not wrong about some of those two assumptions.  I tested my
T410 and x201 with "5.7 release" and "June 17th 2015 snapshot" without
noticing any differences.  I took in care the values showed by
hw.sensors and apm, for example with both (release and snapshot) in x201
the values are arround:

hw.sensors.fan0=3283 RPM
hw.sensors.temp0=43.00 degC
hw.sensors.itherm0.power0=5.00 W

Please tell me if I'm wrong in any step.


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