On 2015-08-07 Fri 10:33 AM |, Quartz wrote:
> Is there a good way to use the same disk? Again, the
> issue is not that the disk is full, but that's it half empty and split up in
> a way that we can't really use the space.

1) Decide what partition layout & sizes you want (du, df, mount, etc...)

2) Install 5.7's ramdisk kernel as /bsd.rd.57

3) on another box (BSD, Mac, Linux, Solaris, whatever...),
setup inbound ssh key access for operator,
& an operator writable cache large enough to hold disk dumps.
e.g: /var/cache/puffy
chflags nodump /var/cache/puffy

4) Shut down (practically) *everything*,
leaving just init, gettys (& maybe sshd) running.

5) unmount everything possible, not /, nor /var

6) dump(8) what you want to save over ssh to another machine, e.g:
[operator@puffy:~]$ dump -0anu -f - -h 0 /dev/rwd0f | gzip | \
        ssh operator@another-box dd of=/var/cache/puffy/_home.dump.gz

7) TEST your dumps are restore(8) able, preferably on an OpenBSD box.
Maybe there's space in /tmp for testing on the original box.

8) Reboot & boot /bsd.rd.57

9) *INSTALL* 5.7 with the manual partition layout you chose in (1)

10) Restore your dumps.

11) Get used to 5.7 & adapt your stuff to suit.

12) Celebrate by rock climbing/loch rowing/Highland Games hill running..
Innovation is hard to schedule.
                -- Dan Fylstra

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