On Mon, 21 Sep 2015, Quartz wrote:

Can someone give be a brief rundown on how OpenBSD handles color on console? Commands like "echo -e '\033[32mfoo\033[0m'" produces dark green text as expected, but "echo -e '\033[92mfoo\033[0m'" comes out white instead of light green, and I can't seem to get vim to do syntax coloring at all (I've copied over configs that work on other machines, both t_Co=16 and t_Co=8, but everything always displays plain white). $TERM is the standard vt220. Am I doing something wrong, or does local console just have very limited color support?

The DEC VT220 terminal did not support color. That's why color works when you echo control codes and not through vim. Vim reads $TERM and decides not to use color.

Set $TERM up to something that supports color if you want color.

-- Martin

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