For local console I've googled and TERM=wsvt25 brings colors to emacs
and vim for me on amd64.

On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 8:35 PM, Quartz <> wrote:
> Can someone give be a brief rundown on how OpenBSD handles color on console?
> Commands like "echo -e '\033[32mfoo\033[0m'" produces dark green text as
> expected, but "echo -e '\033[92mfoo\033[0m'" comes out white instead of
> light green, and I can't seem to get vim to do syntax coloring at all (I've
> copied over configs that work on other machines, both t_Co=16 and t_Co=8,
> but everything always displays plain white). $TERM is the standard vt220. Am
> I doing something wrong, or does local console just have very limited color
> support?

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