
I'm pretty sure I'm over-thinking this, so I thought I'd step back and
see if I can get some hints as how this sort of a set-up is done
"properly" by pros.

Say, existing set up:

[internet] -- [pf] -- [ public-ip-net/24 ]

Want to add/connect a private 192.168.0/24 to existing [ public-ip-net/24]:

... [ public-ip-net/24] -?- [ obsd box ] -- [ 192.168.0/24 ]

1. Hosts in both networks "talk" with one another freely.
   e.g., hosts in existing network see hosts in to-be-added 192
   network, as they are; i.e., not NAT-ed. And vice versa.
2. Hosts in 192.168.0/24 have access to the internet through
   the same/existing gateway.

I lack some knowledge wrt to the subject, where I think, I am
filling the "holes" with, possibly, far too complicated ideas.

Appreciate any and all help offered.


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