> thanks for reply .

No problem. I try it but, I also know only parts of it.

> 1st ) efi area should be formated fat32 .

Yes, the newfs_msdos does this. This part I don't know because, the man
page say's nothing about the default format - I know, you can specify it
using -F. I think, it is a FAT32 but on the other hand, it is not
important because the system boots on a EFI machine.

> so,  if openbsd's newfs_msdos equals  mkfs.msdos , fail comes .
> s mkfs.fat may go bad.
> so i adopt  linux's mkfs.vfat .


disklabel YourDevice

the i should be MSDOS.

> openbsd's newfs_msdo may or may not equal mkfs.vfat.
> i don't know .

See above.

> 2) openbsd's fdisk is **strict**** , and ***hard*** to use for amature
> like me .
> it can destroy MBR (i expirienced ).
> so i use easy linu's fdisk .

fdisk will write a new MBR and askes you about that. See the man page for
it. The -b creates the needed boot partition for EFI. -b can only be used
with -i !

> 3) install is ***OpenBSD AREA***.
> |Does it work for you this way ? If yes, then it should be complete.
> yes , only 2GB USB run openbsd .

I don't understand how you mean the 2 GB. But fdisk creates partitions -
in this case the EFI and the OpenBSD. Check

fdisk YourDevice

Disklabel creates the filesystems for OpenBSD. There you also see the i
from before. BUT it is a big difference to create i with fidsk or with
disklabel. For the exact terms see the FAQ's. There is also explained,
that the / filesystem must have a given or special size - this is a
hardware and not a OpenBSD limitation.

As you found out, if you use whole disk, it will not work because the EFI
partition is missing. BUT in disklabel you can use custom layout and
resize partitions (you must not delete them). Use ? for available

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