I think I have solved the problem with my system.

I was looking at my BIOS hardware setup. Under "Device Security" I found
out that the SMBUS controller was set to "Device hidden" while other device
controllers (serial port, parallel port, USB ports, audio and network) were
set to "available".

In my opinion SMBUS should only be disabled when running old software like
Windows 98, so I set SMBUS to "Device available". The OpenBSD boot sequence
since then detects my USB mouse correctly on every boot. I'm just hoping it
stays that way, because I can't see why enabling SMBUS solves this problem.

Other people having a similar problem might also check their SMBUS setting.
On older systems (like mine) it may be disabled by default.

Have a nice day,

2015-11-14 10:12 GMT+01:00 Paco Willers <paco.will...@gmail.com>:

> Sure, below are my outputs.

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