On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 9:56 AM, David Dahlberg
<david.dahlb...@fkie.fraunhofer.de> wrote:
> Am Dienstag, den 15.12.2015, 09:24 +0000 schrieb C. L. Martinez:
>>  I am trying to remove "flags S/SA keep state" for tcp packets inside
>> pf.conf and use "keep state" only, as it can do with udp and icmp.
>>  According to pf.conf man page, this is possible inserting "no state"
>> in tcp rule, but I can't use keep state.
> "keep state" is addressed in pf.conf(5) (e.g. "Stateful Tracking
> Options"), but it is not mentioned as often as it is the default.
> IOW: If you have not changed the default options, you you may simply
> remove "flags S/SA keep state" string without changing mutch (except
> that it might now also match UDP/ICMP).

Thanks David. I have not changed any default options but I can't see
how can I remove these flags ... I have tried with "flags any keep
state" without result. If I use "no state", packets are rejected ...

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