1. Maybe it doesn't have to be done in JavaScript; even partially, like
   part of the installer is running fdisk. It would be very easy to write a C
   program to parse and edit fstab to make all the partitions softdep. I
   wouldn't know how to automate a disklabel call in the way that
   performs it. I'm sure im beating a dead horse trying to mention JavaScript,
   i only mention it because i suspect it would be the smallest footprint for
   a gui on install media, which can be easily be powered by software that
   used to be part of the base(lynx). Just because there may be a GUI, doesn't
   mean that it couldn't or wouldn't be written to a file to be parsed by
   another program to enable autoinstall capabilities more easily. I have no
   clue as to why softdep isn't default, but it shouldn't have to be a
   tough-love learning experience making your system and files go down in
   flames that would likely scare away a typical user. It happened to me when
   my home folder became unrecoverable! It can remain the default, but a
   normal user shouldn't have to wade through man pages to discover how to fix
   the problem, when it can merely be an install option.


On Sun, Dec 20, 2015 at 3:33 PM, <li...@wrant.com> wrote:

> On Sun, 20 Dec 2015 14:03:18 -0600 Luke Small <lukensm...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I don't know the best way, but I like how there are "check-boxes", from
> > what I recall, in lynx webpages.
> And?  Bookmarks or... direct private cumulus clouds of edible sugar,
> preferably in cyanide algae nuances with self attaching axons.
> > Maybe full-disk encryption and maybe home
> > folder encryption if it is available are the only remaining installer
> It's called a directory, which is a file, and not a drawer, and not a
> folder, neither a closet, nor a wardrobe nor even a chest.
> > options that you don't have to have prior specialized knowledge to
> perform,
> > that you can't do after you boot into the system.
> I'm sorry to break up the bubble for you but prior knowledge is a
> prerequisite and this is not exclusive to OpenBSD.  Anything you can do
> in the installer can also be done after installation, except probably
> finding a list of nice check boxes in a JavaScript web page.  For that
> you need to use www.
> > If there are other
> > things, then it may become a little less tedious for less experienced
> folks
> > to look at all the options at once, rather than having to start over.
> Many inexperienced folds tried OpenBSD first and did not have to become
> experienced in other complicated installers.  Can you elaborate on
> this?  You want a long check list, is that it?
> > If
> > there are any irreconcilable differences in options, JavaScript can more
> > easily display that the other changes are incompatible by changing the
> > other options back.
> The editor said: scratch this part, messy wording.
> > But maybe the OpenBSD way is about no surprises, but it
> > doesn't seem right to only be able to boot into the system in the way you
> > want,
> It is a cargo "principle of least astonishment" to be found in another
> set of online docs elsewhere, unrelated perhaps, no?
> > if you have the mindset of a Computer Scientist like us, and read the
> > right configuration webpages.
> Correction, man pages.  They are in English, comprehensive to lower
> intermediate level readers.
> > Things like not having softdep mounted file
> > systems by default really tripped me up for a couple versions.
> There is a clear section on this in the Frequently Asked Questions.  It
> is a very nice idea to read these prior or during installation on the
> other computer, or why not print out sections you best liked or thought
> useful for the upcoming installation process.
> > I have
> > virtualbox HDs and I had to keep backups in case Windows did something
> > funny, because I sometimes couldn't repair the file systems.
> Can you point where the docs say "install in a virtualbox" or any other
> virtual software brand for what it matters?
> > It seems like
> > something that should be an option in the installer, or a default. It
> would
> > be nice to do that with noatime and maybe an optional mfs or tmpfs
> mounted
> > /tmp folder like I have now.
> So you're basically proposing to rewrite the installer in JavaScript to
> add the noatime and softdep mount options, add full disk and home
> directory encryption, use the SSL tool kit and also make it like a text
> menu installer with a lot of check boxes and... web based interface,
> and be able to install in a virtual machine with memory based file
> systems?
> Why don't you just pick the install media of the operating system that
> offers you these nice goodies, and save yourself the rewrite.  Oh, and
> then come back teach how to do it.
> If this seems too much to ask, just simply use the installer in OpenBSD
> as it is, and after a couple of iterations, and some (minutes/years) of
> enlightenment, you will start to appreciate the time and effort is has
> saved you and the powerful options provided without constraints.
> What you're suggesting is more limiting than you thought originally.
> I'm sorry to have wasted your time reading this, Luke.

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