On Mon, 21 Dec 2015 20:45:15 +0000 "AHLSENGIRARD, EDWARD F CTR USAF AFMC 
AFNWC/NDBD" <edward.ahlsengirard.2....@us.af.mil> wrote:
> By any chance is there a handy list of the utilities compiled into bsd.rd
> (release or recent snap)?
> --
> Edward Ahlsen-Girard

it may not be exhaustive but the kernel is compiled from /usr/src/distrib and:

$ ls /usr/src/distrib/special/
CVS          dhclient     grep         mkdir        mv           route
Makefile     disklabel    gzip         mknod        newfs        sed
Makefile.inc dmesg        hostname     mkuboot      newfs_ext2fs signify
arch         ed           ifconfig     more         newfs_msdos  sleep
bioctl       eeprom       init         mount        pax          stty
cat          encrypt      installboot  mount_cd9660 pdisk        sync
chmod        fdisk        kbd          mount_ext2fs ping         sysctl
chroot       fsck         ksh          mount_ffs    ping6        umount
cp           fsck_ext2fs  libstubs     mount_msdos  pwd_mkdb     ztsscale
date         fsck_ffs     ln           mount_nfs    reboot
dd           fsck_msdos   ls           mount_udf    restore
df           ftp          md5          mt           rm

you can also use the process in

which will allow you to look at the filesystem of the kernel itself.

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