On Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 11:28 AM, Marko Cupać <marko.cu...@mimar.rs> wrote:
> I am setting up gateway for a small network which has two main types of
> traffic: p2p and http(s). The idea is to give p2p traffic all the
> available bandwidth until there is http(s) traffic, in which case p2p
> should be throttled down and http(s) should be given all the available
> bandwidth.
> The problem is that p2p does not get throttled down when http(s) is on
> wire. I spent days re-reading QUEUEING section of pf.conf and
> chapter #7 of 3rd edition of "Book of PF" but I still couldn't make it
> work. From 'systat queues' I can conclude that traffic seem to be
> assigned to appropriate queues, but queue bandwidth does not seem to be
> respected. What am I doing wrong?
> Snapshot of 'systat queues' and active pf.conf below:
> upload on pppoe 860K           0     0      0      0    0   0    0
>  ack             10K        228K   12M      0      0    0 364  20K
>  fast            20K          60  5397      0      0    0   0    0
>  bulk           800K         263  110K      0      0    0 0.6  417
>  slow            30K       34234   35M      0      0    0  59  67K
> download on re2   8M           0     0      0      0    0   0    0
>  ack            100K       18314 1205K      0      0    0  34 2388
>  fast           200K          51 15491      0      0    0   0    0
>  bulk             8M       29014   41M      0      0    0  57  85K
>  slow           500K        317K  457M      0      0    0 523 771K

> p2p     = "{ 10000:65535 }"
> prpi    = "{ 40000:40100 }"
> ipsec   = "{ 500 4500 }"
> web     = "{ 80 443 }"
> mail    = "{ 25 110 143 587 993 995 }"
> xmpp    = "{ 5222 }"

> queue upload  on $if_ext                 bandwidth  860K
>    queue ack  parent upload   qlimit 50  bandwidth   10K
>    queue fast parent upload   qlimit 50  bandwidth   20K
>    queue bulk parent upload   qlimit 50  bandwidth  800K default
>    queue slow parent upload   qlimit 50  bandwidth   30K
> queue download on $if_int                bandwidth 8800K
>    queue ack  parent download qlimit 50  bandwidth  100K
>    queue fast parent download qlimit 50  bandwidth  200K
>    queue bulk parent download qlimit 50  bandwidth 8000K default
>    queue slow parent download qlimit 50  bandwidth  500K

You NEED to set a max on your ROOT queues.  That said, as mentioned
previously, there is a known issue with resolution with small
bandwidth values.

> match proto icmp               set ( queue   fast       prio   4     )
> match proto tcp  to port 22    set ( queue ( fast ack ) prio ( 4 5 ) )
> match proto tcp  to port 53    set ( queue ( fast ack ) prio ( 4 5 ) )
> match proto udp  to port 53    set ( queue   fast       prio   4     )
> match proto tcp  to port $web  set ( queue ( bulk ack ) prio ( 3 5 ) )
> match proto tcp  to port $mail set ( queue ( bulk ack ) prio ( 3 5 ) )
> match proto tcp  to port $xmpp set ( queue ( bulk ack ) prio ( 3 5 ) )
> match proto tcp  to port $p2p  set ( queue ( slow ack ) prio ( 0 5 ) )
> match proto udp  to port $p2p  set ( queue   slow       prio   0     )

prio is useless when shaping--see

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