On Sat, Jan 16, 2016 at 03:09:57AM +0100, Christoph R. Murauer wrote:
> Hello !
> I used today dpb and readed also the man page. But I have a question
> as none developer / coder. I followed the FAQ and put 3 ports in the
> localfile. Everything builds fine. dpb is runned as root on a local
> drive used a tmpfs to build. All 3 ports are builded but only the
> first was installed (tried it re-running make install in the other
> port directories to verify everything was builded).
> I also have no lock files in /usr/ports/logs/amd64/locks/. My question
> (maybe a stupid one) is now, how find I out, why dpb builds everything
> but installes only the first port (could someone point me please to
> the right logfile and for what I should watch there) ?
> Thanks for answers.
> P.S. : I let the dmesg this time.
See the -I option in the dpb(1) man page.  That installs a path or list
of paths to install.  Otherwise, dpb() will build packages, and those 
that remain installed at the completion of the build will only be 
the most recent packages built.  Packages which are unneeded (because
the are not build dependencies of the packages in queue for building)
are removed with pkg_delete(1) from time to time.  See the junk= and
-J options.

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