Tue, 26 Jan 2016 10:51:09 -0600 Adam Thompson <athom...@athompso.net>
> On 16-01-26 10:32 AM, Peter Hessler wrote:
> > On 2016 Jan 26 (Tue) at 08:13:22 -0600 (-0600), Edgar Pettijohn wrote:  
> > :> * adduser(8)/useradd(8):
> > :>   Needs to be unified into one single  
> >
> > One binary, with symlinks.  Both methods should still work, however.  
> $0.02:
>      s/sym/hard /g
> might satisfy a larger percentage of people...

before a program can be named, it has source code and a compiler, seen
code by OpenBSD developers but not so much from misc@ discussions,
don't let quality coding distract us from fun talk

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