Hello Samir, 

spytho...@gmail.com (Samir Parikh), 2016.02.03 (Wed) 21:29 (CET):
> Hi Everyone!  This is my first post to the mailing list as I am new to
> OpenBSD.  
> I am running version 5.8 (amd64) on a Lenovo Thinkpad T450s with a
> fairly default installation.
> I have a few issues to sort out but my first concern is that I cannot exit
> out of FVWM.  I launch it via the command startx while logged in as root.

TL;DR: don't run as root. Use doas(1).

> When I go to exit (left mouse click on the desktop > Exit), the system just
> hangs which requires me to forcefully power down the laptop.  

Did you try 'ctrl+alt+backspace'? This should end X.
Did you try a short power button press followed by some waiting for a
clean shutdown?
Did you try to switch the tty back to ttyC0 (ctrl+alt+F1) when X/fvwm
are making you wait?

> I am not using
> a login or display manager such as xdm(1) so I do not have an ~/.xinitrc or
> /etc/rc.conf.local file.  During installation, I answered Yes to "Do you
> expect to run the X Window System?" and No to "Do you want the X Window
> System to be started by xdm(1)?"

When you have restarted, the /var/log/Xorg.0.log file should still be
there. Maybe that gives some clues. 

And, from http://www.openbsd.org/mail.html:

Include important information
Don't waste everyone's time with a hopelessly incomplete question. No
one other than you has the information needed to resolve your problem,
it is better to provide more information than needed than not enough

Maybe someone already knew what you problem is if he/she only saw your

Bye, Marcus

> !DSPAM:56b26471126511186110957!

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