
William Mimart wrote on Mon, Feb 08, 2016 at 08:36:59PM +0100:

> 0
> P Normandie
> T Rouen
> Z 76000
> O mimart.info

Sorry, but this doesn't make any sense to me.
This entry wouldn't be related to OpenBSD at all.

It seems to be something about kittens...

Consequently, entry not added.


> I William Mimart
> A 63 rue des Hallettes
> M will...@mimart.info
> B +33 6 86 11 19 43
> N Almost 30 years of experience in Unix systems including more than 10 on
> OpenBSD with a specialty in firewalls.
> Consulting, installation, maintenance, formation and support.
> Presque 30 ans d'expérience dans les systèmes Unix dont plus
> de 10 sur OpenBSD avec une spécialit?? dans les pare-feu.
> Consulting, installation, maintenance, training and support.

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