On 02/09/16 07:41, Ingo Schwarze wrote:

William Mimart wrote on Mon, Feb 08, 2016 at 08:36:59PM +0100:

P Normandie
T Rouen
Z 76000
O mimart.info
Sorry, but this doesn't make any sense to me.
This entry wouldn't be related to OpenBSD at all.

It seems to be something about kittens...

Consequently, entry not added.


Perhaps they can assist with kitten cake?

I William Mimart
A 63 rue des Hallettes
M will...@mimart.info
B +33 6 86 11 19 43
N Almost 30 years of experience in Unix systems including more than 10 on
OpenBSD with a specialty in firewalls.
Consulting, installation, maintenance, formation and support.
Presque 30 ans d'expérience dans les systèmes Unix dont plus
de 10 sur OpenBSD avec une spécialit?? dans les pare-feu.
Consulting, installation, maintenance, training and support.

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