On 04/26, David Lou wrote:
When I say 'blog', I'm referring to a website that contains
essentially many pages of content. Each content page has attributes
such as title, date, category, tags, and so on. When a user browsers
this website, the content pages are served in a visually attractive
layout, with possible bells and whistles such as Facebook/Twitter
share buttons, and comment sections. Additional features may include
a search bar and an archive page.

Hugo: http://gohugo.io/ might be a good fit. Go installs from packages, hugo you can simply build. It has all the bells and whistles a regular
site needs.

So with that said, I'd like to solicit some feedback on how such a
blog website should be built. Personally I'm thinking of some kind
of homegrown solution. First I'd design my own database that stores

Building it iyourself is great, but all the static site generators mentioned
have all their posts in plain text, so you can always switch later.


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