Hi David,

On 2016-04-27 Wed 00:54 AM |, David Lou wrote:
> Instead of a comment section, which seems
> like a headache, I'll just replace it with an email address so a
> reader can reach me if he/she really wanted to. Though I'm not sure
> what's the best way to prevent spam (or other ways in which an email
> address can be abused)? The best idea I can come up with would be to
> not publicly show the email address but create a contact form with a
> capcha.

No, don't use a form;- the site can't be static HTML with scripts to
process the form. Much spam comes from abused web mail forms. The VPS
might suspend your account on complaints.

Just use a plain HTML mailto: tag.

Change the address within the tag to something like this if you like:
david [dot] lou (at) outlook [dot] com [dot] nospam

If people can't figure it out from there, you don't need their mail!

I'm always looking for a new idea that
will be more productive than its cost.
                -- David Rockefeller

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