> it is not important.
> systrace was effectively deprecated 4-10 years ago, when there stopped
> being a maintainer for it, or the broken ecosystem surrounding.
> That was a gap needed to consider a replacement model.
> What do you want here?

I guess nothing important.

I am happy with pledge (I love it) as a replacement. I was simply
wondering what the potential dangers are for my web server that utilises
systrace on 5.9 along with newly pledged base processes and a few port
processes, currently it appears to be working fine, perhaps it's
performance has sufferred but I haven't noticed. I guess it takes
hundreds of syscalls to notice and I will simply switch to pledge when
performance requirements demand my time which I hope will happen within
6 months ;) . I already had plans to move to a potentially custom
pledged c binary (if my use case can be more restricted) and a nicer
and lighter system anyway.

So thanks for the hard work.


KISSIS - Keep It Simple So It's Securable

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