Em maio 9, 2016 18:39 Theo de Raadt escreveu:
Giancarlo Razzolini <grazzol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It is really nice to finally see TLS on openbsd.org. How about
> http to https?

I dislike the idea.

Let me be more clear, both of you.

Those decisions will made by the people (Bob et all) who maintain the
back end.

They don't need your opinions.  Go take your opinions and give them

Theo, I agree with you. After all, if you wanted our opinions, you would have
take them a long time ago. I think it is nice you guys (finally) put TLS on
the openbsd.org main site. Despite all its flaws, TLS do have valid use cases.
An OS site is a perfect example. Also, as you putted, BANKS. Fortunately my
country has a pretty decent banking system and they do follow all of the TLS
best practices. At least the bank I use, do. OpenBSD's site eventually will
catch up with the rest. It is a big win nevertheless.

Giancarlo Razzolini

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