On Wed, 2016-05-25 at 16:18 -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> > It currently seems impossible to verify downloads from a computer
> > without OpenBSD, for a few reasons:
> > 
> > 1. No securely-distributed public key
> > 2. Lack of signify packages in e.g. Linux distros, or
> > securely-distributed sources
> > 
> > To keep things simple, I propose mirrorring SHA256SUM files onto the
> > main website and making them available over HTTPS. This allows new
> > users to easily verify images.
> I propose we keep it even simpler, and don't do what you propose.
> Tired of the suggestions.
> The end.

Well, you could certainly put the key and signify sources on the main
website. The CVS thing doesn't seem to be HTTPS-enabled.

But somehow, I get the feeling you don't want any sort of fix.

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