Allow me to explain that complex thought.

I didn't say that all machines are useless, nor did I say that any
machine is useless. One machine that is useful for Purpose #1 is
useless for Purpose #2; likewise, the machine that works well for
Purpose #2 is quite possibly useless for Purpose #1.

There may be a good replacement for a machine that can do Purpose #1,
but not one that can work for both #1 and #2.

What I was trying to say was that the term "desktop" in this context is
a very broad term; one person's idea of a desktop replacement is
going to be very different to another person's idea of a desktop

On Sun, 12 Jun 2016 09:46:00 +0300 wrote:

> Sun, 12 Jun 2016 11:07:24 +1000 <>
> > On the other hand, those types of machines are useless for high-end
> > video editing, which may be what a "desktop" is to you.  
> That's one very complex thought, hold it, keep still, don't move an
> inch. No machine is useless, it's the operator that makes use of it,
> go figure.

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