Ulf Brosziewski, 15 Jun 2016 00:48:
> Your feedback in bugs@ would be appreciated. Can you exclude that
> it's a hardware failure? Some people claim that various Acer models
> are prone to such failures because the touchpads have a bad
> electrical grounding.

i sent a reply to your bugs@ reply the same day,
but the t-mobile server rejected my email after 7 days(!)
so i was planning to resend it in some other way,
but the list should do :]

i also have linux mint on that notebook but i don't use
it that much. when i used it, the touchpad was working
but now i forget in which mode.  i will do a session
of a couple of hours and get back to you.

just a hunch at the moment but there was similar
behaviour on one of my previous netbooks when there was
a "mismatch" in the synaptics protocol...

for texas and miss lillie!

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