On 20.06.2016 13:39, bootcr...@openmailbox.org wrote:
On 20.06.2016 13:00, bootcr...@openmailbox.org wrote:
I have recently decided to use full disk encryption on my openbsd
I've managed to do so and it's working, however for security reasons
I want to boot them from
another drive.
What is that security reason worth of not using default full disk
In my threat model, I consider that adversary with physical access
can change bootloader on wd0 drive to store passphrases(or do anything else).

After booting from USB I remove it and hold it in safe place.
I don't consider adversary to be able to change BIOS code or
something like that.

Ivan provided some nice post, which is however not an answer. IF attacker is able to get physical access to your computer then you missed something important in preparations - physical protection. Once attacker has physical access then you are screwed. It is just matter of your importance to attacker
if it will be sooner or later.

Attacks on CEO level mentioned in post....they have already laptop made in China and there is plenty of examples how HW is screwed up these days by firmware and other code doing all the crazy stuff where even best OS can not help to protect against (can remember some of the developers pointing that out as well). So why to bother and risk personal involvement when you can remotely activate such a code (IME, firmware in peripherals, BIOS and so on). And yet except of Theo and couple of others you can be very surprised by the state of laptop on CEOs level where situation you describe is last problem to overall security of
particular company.

Not that you are prohibited to try and as pointed out already boot can handle
it just fine.

Industry as such has problem and you can do all the crazy tricks, but once your data must leave your computer and your network to travel over other networks and reach other computers to be able to use online banking, order stuff, use of multimedia, handle personnal data with gov agencies, do taxes, provide medical data about you and many other things. That is a place where it gets really bad as they do not have security approach like OpenBSD has and they are not even interested in that, because it blocks cloud, containers, serverless, IoT, .....whatever. Like those new cars full of electronics, where you will have your nearly perfect secure laptop on next seat, but you will still crash after someone play with your car electronics remotely just because nuts in car industry are saving cents and know s... about security and so use open connections between components which can be accessed remotely eg. via SMS without any

This is where we are heading http://www.openbsd.org/lyrics.html#46 so far however.

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