On Thu, 7 Jul 2016, Tinker wrote:
> My question to you is still the same as in the previous email, and that is:
> Is there really not is any mechanism to enforce loading of only ONE stdc++
> version and that one being the NEWEST, in OpenBSD today; so loading of two
> etc. happens regularly?

You've been given an answer and yet you ask again.  If you don't believe 
what a developer says, then why are you asking?  It sounds from your other 
email like you're testing it yourself: good choice, though I would 
recommend doing that earlier in the process.

> The guys at #gcc (redi) call that "madness", if it's the case. Anyhow 
> looking forward to your clarification just to understand.

"madness"!  How horrible!  We've managed to....have different priorities 
than another group.  And we have....non-violent disagreements about what 
goals improve the software ecosystem.  Huh.  Sounds a lot more boring and 
less dramatic when looked at that way.  It's almost like people can make 
choices for themselves.

Oh, and playing a game of 'telephone' between here and "#gcc (redi)" is 
pointless: too many ways for context to be lost or go awry.  And nope, 
we're not interesting in being the character here: https://xkcd.com/386/

> And it boils down to the same thing as pointed out in the previous 
> emails, which is that *not more than one* lib[e]stdc++ must be loaded at 
> the same time, and that that should be the newest one.

Maybe if this is a problem for a development setup, then the setup is too 
complicated?  Solving a problem by making greater complexity possible 
instead of pushing back on the complexity is not always a good thing.

> So, as clarified previously the just-load-one-and-that's-the-newest 
> policy about lib[e]stdc++ is all needed for inter-g++-version 
> intercompatibility for "C++03" code.

Of problems that *I'm* interested in solving, that is *waaaaay* down on 
the list.  Oops, I ran out of space and it fell off.  Maybe when I get 
some other stuff done I'll come back around and put it back on the bottom 
of the list.  By then, C++O3 may be totally obsolete and we can ignore it 
and move on.

Philip Guenther

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