
I am writing a local server which requires the use of shared memory objects. Essentially, other applications communicate to this server by connecting to a UNIX domain socket within the file system.

Occasionally such an application may require a shared memory buffer to share large quantities of information with the server. In doing this, the server uses shm_mkstemp(3) to create the shared memory objects, and then sends the file descriptor over the connection.

        char snm[25] = "/tmp/megaserv/XXXXXXXXXX";
        int fd;

        fd = shm_mkstemp(snm);

        /* Error handling omitted for clarity. */
        /* Potential race condition here */



        /* Send fd over connected socket. */

Whilst the setup I have works well, I see a potential race condition, albeit a very small one, in the position indicated above; an external process, malicious or otherwise, can connect to the object in between the shm_mkstmp() and shm_unlink() calls.

Furthermore, there is a small possibility for a stale file to be present in the file system, should there be a crash.

Is there a way of creating these objects without having to actually create a file in the file system, something like pipe() or socketpair()?

For example:

        int shm_create(int flags);

That would basically eliminate the race condition, the possibility of a stale object, and make shm_unlink() unnecessary in this case.

Any advice/suggestions?

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