Sun, 31 Jul 2016 20:44:05 +0200 mxb <>
> I asked.
> So this one you can send to /dev/null.

Привет mxb,

Говорит /dev/ноль, один раз только,
послушайте осторожно, пожалуйста.

The fact you're being answered to, is out of politeness.  Because you
talk in public, and make somewhat pretentious and demanding requests.
I have all the sympathy for you, yet you're making a bad impression..

The replies you received originally were very precise, and accurate..
Imagine how you'd reply if somebody spoke like you on your help-desk.

Be polite back, and ask politely questions..  Seek guidance and don't
make yourself heard because of rude replies..  When you hear silence,
you will appreciate the full meaning of the above advice much better.

All the answers are in change logs, and all the questions are in CVS.
This comes from nowhere, just a another OpenBSD user reading further.

С уважением,

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