2016-08-12 10:53 GMT+02:00 Roderick <hru...@gmail.com>:
> I know, you will complain, because I mention here that I still use
> OpenBSD 4.8 in a machine. But my question is more general.
> I was unable to install LibreSSL-2.4.2, but installing openssl-1.0.2h
> was possible without problems.

Well done. You just discovered that openssl is a badly outdated piece
of software, that you can compile with stick and stone.
One of the reason for starting libreSSL is using modern coding
standard. Modern is by definition a moving target.

Using a modern library on a years old system is like putting an nice
lock on a wooden box. If you want to loot the box, smash it. You can
even take the lock with you.
Updating your openbsd should take you one hour for the base os and
fixing the outdated config from outdated daemon might take the rest of
the day. But then, you would have all the benefit of libreSSL, applied
to the whole system.

Or maybe you are just a troll trying to get a response from Theo.
Who know ?

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