...on Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 08:53:36AM +0000, Roderick wrote:

 > I know, you will complain, because I mention here that I still use
 > OpenBSD 4.8 in a machine. But my question is more general.
 > I was unable to install LibreSSL-2.4.2, but installing openssl-1.0.2h
 > was possible without problems.

As others have written, trying to mix up different versions 
of software from the OpenBSD project usually won't work, 
as their development is tightly coupled.

If you're serious about backporting software to old OpenBSD 
releases for whatever reason, the -portable versions are usually 
a better starting point, but still will require a good chunk 
of knowledgeable work - much better spent on a system upgrade.

That said, even ancient versions of OpenBSD are still a viable 
target for old-style UNIXy software. OpenSSL 1.0.1t and Sendmail 
8.15.2 on OpenBSD 4.2? No problem. lighttpd and php 5.6.24 on 
OpenBSD 4.6? Works fine. Etc. 

Just don't expect any sympathy or even support from anyone.
Don't ask, don't tell.

(Especially, don't ask why I would know about any of those examples.)


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