eric wrote:
On Wed, 2006-01-11 at 16:06:37 -0500, Daniel Ouellet proclaimed...

The pass proved it as well. Tedu and Peter did a great job and definitely should be commended for that!

I was curious however as if the results of the bugs found would actually be public for everyone to see, or if they will be exclusively provided to developers as said in the articles?

Anyone know where it might be visible if so?

I'd think to check the commit logs on cvs@; after all, that's where
everything is announced.

I was more referring at the results from the output of the database that DHS is trying to built now, or will built I guess.

I was curious as to see the list grow in the database for each type of systems they will scan and see the results as well of that.

Kind of following security at large on various systems if you like, not only OpenBSD as I am sure the list will be very short if they find some in OpenBSD anyway, but I was curious as to all systems scan results.

Might actually speak for itself when users on the Internet start to see the list for Linux vs OpenBSD for example. (;>

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