On 09/20/16 19:38, Jeff Ross wrote:
Hi all,

I've had a server with corenetworks for quite a few years now but after
changes at corenetworks (their recent name change after acquisition by
another company, no current servers available, no communication about
the change of ownership with existing customers and an email exchange
with sales@), I've decided it is best jump ship now rather than wait for
a hard and possibly immediate deadline.

I've just rented a server with 8GB of ram from m5hosting (based in large
part from the many recommendations I read while searching misc@ on
marc.info).  Now the question is: i386 which is what I've always run on
my 2 GB ram server, or amd64? http://www.openbsd.org/amd64.html and
http://www.openbsd.org/i386.html are curiously silent on the amount of
ram that can be accessed.  If I have 8GB, I for sure want to use it all.

I know there was a time when i386 was limited to the amount of ram it
can access (32 bit) but now amd64 has this caveat: "(Some Intel
processors lack support for important PAE NX bit, which means those
machines will run without any W^X support -- it is thus safer to run
those machines in i386 mode)."  How does this fit with the recent work
in 6.0+?  How can I tell if the Xeon 3220 processor has the PAE NX bit?
I see nothing in the tech sheet about PAE NX.

I have a little less than 2 weeks to make the transition so not a lot of
time for install and try.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions--dmesgs supplied once I get access.

Jeff Ross

Open Vistas Networking

AMD64.  There isn't a real future in 32-bit stuff.  I have some great
old Dells ("white optiplex") that I'll eventually get rid of but have
kept because of their quality.  But they do have the 3G problem.  So
look forwards at 65-bit.  I don't think you'll look back.

--STeve Andre'

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