I am trying to get an sit-to-site ipsec tunnel to work with openiked.
The configuration seems quite easy, testing also works.
The iked.conf is:
ikev2 "test" esp \
from to \
from to \
local peer \
psk thisisjustatest

The other endpoint is the passive one. 
/sbin/iked -f /etc/iked.conf -dvv
just works and shows the connection established.

However, rc.conf.local containing
just keeps the box hanging:
"starting early daemons: syslogd pflogd ntpd iked"

and there is no timeout, the box cannot be reached via ssh any more.
iked_flags="-v" does not give me any information, iked_flags=YES delivers
the same behavior. Do I need some additional configuration in ipsec.conf?
"rcctl get iked" shows an "iked_timeout=30", I guess that should be the
timeout on startup, but I did not find any exact info on that.

ipsec=YES in rc.conf.local does not change anything, and appending
"ikelifetime 60" to iked.conf neither.

PF is configured to pass everything, nothing else is configured. The network
is configured with a bridge0 containing 2 interfaces of which the
external one has the (simulated) external ip address and the internal
interface has an internal ip addres, both only ipv4.
The system is Openbsd 6.0 -stable including the patches until (and
including) 006.

I am quite sure this is just a minor detail I have overseen, however,
I would really appreciate your help! Thanks!


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