On 2016-09-26, Infoomatic <infooma...@gmx.at> wrote:
>> On Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 02:17:35PM +0200, Infoomatic wrote:
>> > also, the already running endpoint did not receive any packets.
>> Nobody on this list can run ifconfig, route, and tcpdump on *your* box
>> to figure out where you're losing packets...
> this is not a connectivity issue.
> To clarify: when I start the daemon manually as mentioned in my first mail, 
> everything is fine.
> However, when I try to start it automatically via rc.conf.local it just 
> interrupts the boot sequence and further daemons like ssh are not started, I 
> cannot even login on terminal locally. 
> The same happens when I try to do a "rcctl -f start iked" (I need -f since I 
> cannot use it with rc.conf.local because this leaves me with an unusable 
> system)- it hangs and "ctrl+c"/ SIGNAL 15 does not give me my terminal back, 
> I have to kill -9 the iked to use the terminal again where I tried to start 
> iked via rcctl. 
> When using iked_flags="-v", and doing "rcctl start iked" the same happens, 
> but opposite to my expection I did not get _any_ logs to /var/log/daemon.
> There really seems something wrong here ... this should not happen in any way.

Do you get any more output if you do "rcctl -f -d start iked"?

What happens if you press ^T to get status (assuming common
shell setup)? Or if you don't get anything useful there, what
is shown in the WAIT column in top for iked? ("top -g iked" if
you have lots running and need to cut it down)

It might be useful to include your config file (obviously masking
anything sensitive, but try to avoid hiding anything that might be

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