I gave a talk about moving from mod_perl to Plack and FastCGI at the local
perlmonger group. It was fairly straight forward and there are a fair number
of options on the CPAN, although I'm unsure which have ports.


There is also some potentially useful information in this article


On September 29, 2016 12:19:50 PM PDT, Chris Bennett
<chrisbenn...@bennettconstruction.us> wrote:
>Thanks to stu@, he's informed me that mod_perl is a big problem for
>OpenBSD modernising its Perl forward.
>So I'm going to try and move to FastCGI.
>I can't find any info online about transition from mod_perl to FastCGI,
>so I'll have to work that out myself. Any useful links would be
>Since I have been using Apache, I haven't paid any attention to base
>I have written modules to allow people to setup to make a purchase for
>online content, be transferred over to PayPal, pay.
>PayPal then sends me payment details which I have to send back to
>status of purchase. After that I create a username and password and
>email those plus a link to the customer.
>Privately, I have several databases that I use to form project assembly
>pieces that can then be combined in different ways to produce final,
>different complete project. Project labor is also worked out similarly.
>I also run two forums on outside software.
>I use PostgreSQL. I use Apache's httpd.conf and other confs to match
>Locations to the appropriate modules.
>Are there any problems getting something like this to work with base
>httpd? I run several different sites.
>The manual pages seem a little terse and unrevealing to me.
>I'm going to go study FastCGI myself now.
>Could anyone share some httpd.confs with me that do what I'm trying to
>Any help appreciated,
>Chris Bennett

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