On Sun, 02 Oct 2016 22:45:00 -0600
"Theo de Raadt" <dera...@openbsd.org> wrote:

> > Why is it in /var/cron/log and not /var/log/cron by default? To me
> > it makes more sense to have it all in /var/log/, but given it has
> > been the default for several years, is there a reason (other than
> > historic) that the default is like that?  
> That dates back to more than 20 years actually.
> Back in the CSRG days, a lot of new daemon imports got their own /var
> directories for reasons we can only guess at.

So it appears this is merely historic then.

> > Is there any harm or issue with setting the log location
> > of cron logs to /var/log/cron instead, or is it best to leave it
> > in /var/cron/log?  
> You can do whatever you want.
> Before we talk about changing this, we must know what the downsides
> are.

Indeed; I was wondering whether there are any issues/downsides with
changing this. I have changed this for the last 5 years without any
adverse effects on my end, but I only have done this on about 8
different machines, with different purposes.

> > I am interested to know as I keep /var/log in a separate UFS
> > partition mounted with rw,softdep,noatime,nodev,noexec,nosuid to
> > store all the syslog logs, and /var/cron/log is the odd one out
> > here.  
> With softdep???  That is completely insane.  So clearly you don't
> actually care to have the contents of logs after a crash -- since
> softdep is quite likely to lose data buffers during circumstances like
> memory pressure, etc etc.
> That's the kind of comment that leads me to take bug reports less
> seriously in the future... diagnostic logs which would have solved
> the problem, will have been lost INTENTIONALLY.  And then we get
> asked for help?  Crazy.

Thank you for that information; The impression I got about softdep was
that it guarantees file system integrity so fsck is not needed.

I have softdep enabled on all the partitions as per this:
I guess it is time for me to evaluate my setup again.

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