Hey misc@, I'm having issues with relayd.conf. this is the error I get
when I try to run relayd:

# rcctl -df start relayd
doing _rc_parse_conf
doing _rc_quirks
relayd_flags empty, using default ><
doing _rc_parse_conf /var/run/rc.d/relayd
doing _rc_quirks
doing rc_check
doing rc_pre
host_dns: chat.freenode.net resolves to more than 1 hosts
host_dns: irc.oftc.net resolves to more than 1 hosts
/etc/relayd.conf:11: syntax error
/etc/relayd.conf:12: protocol irctls defined twice
/etc/relayd.conf:17: syntax error
/etc/relayd.conf:18: protocol irctls defined twice
/etc/relayd.conf:23: syntax error
/etc/relayd.conf:24: protocol irctls defined twice
/etc/relayd.conf:31: syntax error
no actions, nothing to do
doing _rc_rm_runfile

using this config:

# cat /etc/relayd.conf
protocol "irctls" {
        tcp { nodelay, sack }

table <freenode>        { chat.freenode.net }
table <oftc>            { irc.oftc.net }
table <efnet>           { irc.swepipe.se }
table <volatile>        { irc.krustykrab.restaurant }

relay "freenode" {
        listen port 7000
        protocol "irctls"
        forward with tls to <freenode> port 6697

relay "oftc" {
        listen port 7001
        protocol "irctls"
        forward with tls to <oftc> port 6697

relay "efnet" {
        listen port 7002
        protocol "irctls"
        forward with tls to <efnet> port 6697

relay "volatile" {
        listen on port 7003
        protocol "irctls"
        forward with tls to <volatile> 6697

by the way, this config used to work the last time I tried it on my
last server, not this though, have relayd.conf syntax change in last

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